Black Dahlia Murder

The Black Dahlia:

Black Dahlia Murder

A mesmerizing telling of the story that hollywood has sought to hide and bury for decades

Elizabeth was murdered and her body mutilated; she was found dead on slow January 15, 1947 in an empty lot around Leimert, Los Angeles.


Grand Jury and Aftermath

On the 20th of September, 1949, a grand jury sat to look into the ineffectiveness of LAPD ‘s homicide section, whose failure to solve many murder cases, particularly those of women and children, Short was not exceptional.

Black Dahlia Murder

Due to the savageness of the murder of Short and the inability to solve it ever, theories has been propagated that it is connected with other unsolved murders of young women of Los Angeles in 1940s. These include the murder of orea elizabeth murray, georgette elise bauerdorf and other women in similar circumstances bURLINGTON DC. Although much attention has been given to investigations and theories on the possibility of association between these cases, no clear evidence shows this correlation.

There are also theories on speculations of correlation between Short’s murder and other criminals such as the Cleveland Torso Murders and the Lipstick Murders in Chicago. Although these theories are existent in crime books, among law officials, these theories have not been proven.

Rumors and Factual Disputes

Due to the enormous interest people had in the case many rumors and contradictory reports regarding Short’s life and death emerged. Some of the details about her include alleged involvement in prostitution, which have been touched in the course of the investigation and discredited. Even the moniker ‘Black Dahlia’ has been an issue of controversy for some people have suggested that the said moniker was one she used during her lifetime while others have said that it was a concoction of the local media.

It is in this regard that many aspects of the case remain unknown while other elements, such as the absence of the killer or killers’ identification and the myths created by the media, is still mysterious to date.


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